Easy Way To Cut Down on Plastic

Plastic is currently one of the most damaging substances on the planet, and due to the nature of how it breaks down, it’s even finding its way into our bodies at an ever-increasing rate.

One way to try and avoid introducing plastic into your life is by avoiding it as much as possible, and while it may seem like a monumental task at first, it’s more than possible and easier than most people believe.

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Case Study: How Climate Change Affects The US Economy

Case Study - How Climate Change Affects The US Economy

We, as a collective, are starting to realise the ramifications of climate change. From rising sea levels to increased warming from unchecked carbon emissions, thousands of scientists across the world are screaming for action to be taken, and with over 123 countries taking part in school marches and protests, we may yet see governments around the globe start putting in stricter policies to control the amount of damage we’re doing to the ecosystem.

Read moreCase Study: How Climate Change Affects The US Economy