All diets are different. They provide different nutrients in different ways. This can easily be seen in the vegan diet. Here, instead of getting protein from meat, you get it mostly from legumes. This is an important distinction to always keep in mind. And it’s also why some deficiencies are more prevalent among vegans than other people.
Aarav Godenka
Minimalism Myths And Misconceptions
For many, minimalism was little more than a popular trend that made its way across social media. For others, it was something that helped them declutter their homes, helping their mental state, their finances, and giving them more time. And for some, minimalism became a way of life that has permeated into everything that they own or do.
The Health Benefits of Kombucha at a Glance
While kombucha may have only recently become popular on mainstream health blogs and the like, people have actually been drinking this healthy fermented beverage for thousands of years.
Time And Your Skin – How To Stay Glowing
The term “glowing” has become universally associated with a healthy and younger-looking skin.
The Top Probiotics Your Body Needs Can Be Found In These Foods
When it comes to probiotics, the more the merrier. These healthy bacteria ensure your gut works optimally and may assist in keeping your hormones in check. If you’re not a fan of probiotic supplements, then this list of the top food sources of probiotics is for you!
Read moreThe Top Probiotics Your Body Needs Can Be Found In These Foods
Why Decluttering will Boost Your Energy Levels
We’re living in a time when a lot of us feel overloaded with stress. However, many of us don’t realise how our personal habits could be contributing to our angst and our anxiety.
The Benefits of Living a Minimalistic Lifestyle
Do we really need all the materialistic possessions we own? Minimalism is a concept that advocates for less is more in terms of material possessions, including our clothes, furniture, the food we eat and overall lifestyles.
Life has allowed people to believe that they need certain things to be happy or live fulfilled lives, however, one important factor about life and happiness is that no amount of material possessions can make you happy if you’re not happy from within.
Does Yoga Boost Your Energy Levels?
At times unusual mental or physical exertion, stress, as well as a lack of sleep can make people quite tired. Avoidance in these cases simply necessitates self-observation and wants us to listen to our bodies. It means not forcing the body and mind beyond their limits. At other times it means walking or doing some sort of physical work to assist with increasing the energy levels.
What are the Best Carbohydrates to Eat That Will Boost Energy?
Carbohydrates are an extremely important part of a healthy diet. However, they have gotten a bad reputation over the years owing to the popularity of carb restricted diets such as keto and Atkins, among others.
Read moreWhat are the Best Carbohydrates to Eat That Will Boost Energy?
Natural Drinks That Can Help with Energy Levels
There’s nothing worse than getting halfway through a day and starting to feel exhausted, especially when there are more than a few hours left until work is over. There are a lot of great ways of naturally boosting energy that don’t rely on taking pills or drinking synthetic energy drinks.