Reducing clutter is the first step on the road to minimalism, but we are the first to admit that it’s actually a rather hard step to take, and one that may need a little guidance.
How Minimalism Can Help The Environment
The recent trend of minimalism is sweeping the world, and there’s plenty of information out there about how it can drastically improve your overall well being. From better mental health to improved physical health, minimalism is the perfect lifestyle to take for those that feel their possessions are becoming too much of a burden. But … Read moreHow Minimalism Can Help The Environment
3 Benefits of Mininmalism
Minimalism is a term that we’re starting to hear more and more these days, and it’s a direct result of the overconsumption that is causing problems all over the world. With the focus now on doing everything we can to reduce our impact on the environment, minimalism makes more sense than ever before as we … Read more3 Benefits of Mininmalism
4 Steps to Minimalism
Minimalism is a trend that has seen a massive spike in popularity in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why. Millennials are finding increasingly difficult to follow in the footsteps of the older generations, especially when it comes to the topic of possessions. More and more people feel that acquiring stuff is not … Read more4 Steps to Minimalism